DaVinci Robot – Robotic Surgery
DaVinci robot – Robotic surgery or robotic assisted surgery
It’s a fast-growing field of medical technology that has revolutionised the way surgeons perform surgery. Robotic surgery has become increasingly popular due to its precision and accuracy its ability to reduce the risk of complications and shorten recovery time.
Advantages of robotic surgery
Robotic surgery – Da Vinci Xi offers a number of advantages over traditional open surgery. The most important advantage is the precision offered. Robotic arms are capable of precise movements that would be impossible for the human hand to replicate. This allows for more precise dissections with less tissue damage, which can lead to shorter recovery times and fewer complications. In addition, robotic surgery can be performed with smaller incisions compared to traditional open surgery, which decreases the risk of infection and vicious scarring.
Robotic surgery using the Da Vinci Xi robot also provides improved visualization for the surgeon. The robotic arms are equipped with cameras that provide an enlarged, three-dimensional view of the organs, allowing the surgeon to see more detail than would be possible with the naked eye or laparoscopy. This improved visualization can help the surgeon make more accurate decisions during the procedure.
In terms of indications for robotic surgery, the maximum benefits for patient and surgeon can be achieved in:
- Oncological surgery (in general)
- Colorectal surgery: colorectal cancer
- Stomach and oesophagus surgery: gastric tumours, oesophageal tumours, hiatal hernia
- Pancreas surgery: pancreatic tumors, pancreatic pseudocyst, pancreatic lithiasis
- Liver surgery: liver tumours (hepatocarcinoma, liver metastases)
- Bile duct surgery: bile duct tumors, bile duct cysts
- Abdominal wall surgery: inguinal hernias, eventrations
Specifically, the advantages that robotic surgery brings to cancer surgery are related to fine, advanced dissections that ensure complete removal of nodes that may be affected by metastases and safe resection margins in healthy tissue away from the tumor. These principles apply to all the organs and diseases listed above.
In rectal surgery, accurate visualization of the hypogastric nerves ensures their preservation, with fewer or no complications related to sexual and urinary function. Also, with the mobility of the robotic instruments, complex tumours located low in the lower or middle rectum can be addressed with less chance of needing a colostomy (unnatural anus).
Davinci robot – da vinci xi – minimally invasive surgery – robotic surgery
Davinci robot – da vinci xi – minimally invasive surgery – robotic surgery
In addition to oncological dissection times, the reconstructions required in gastric, oesophageal and pancreatic surgery are much more finely tuned with robotic joints, which allow superior movements of conventional laparoscopic instruments or the human hand. The same principles, coupled with greatly enhanced visualisation, offer clear advantages of robotics in highly complex biliary tract and liver tumour operations.
The minimally invasive approach to abdominal wall hernias offers rapid recovery, low risk of recurrence and early resumption of normal physical activity, facilitated by minimal abdominal wall injury and high-performance dissections performed by the surgeon using robotics.
Disadvantages of robotic surgery
Despite its many advantages, robotic surgery also has some disadvantages. One of the most significant drawbacks is its cost. Robotic surgery is significantly more expensive than traditional open surgery due to the cost of robotic equipment and the need for specialised training for surgeons. In addition, robotic surgery requires a longer set-up time than traditional open surgery, which can lead to longer operating times and higher costs.
Davinci robot – da vinci xi – minimally invasive surgery – robotic surgery
Chirurgie Generală și Oncologică
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