Multicentric pancreatic adenocarcinoma

Patient – 55 years old

DIAGNOSIS: multicentric pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Peripancreatic collections with retro-duodenal location and celiac juxta. Celiac adenopathies, hepatic pedicle, retropancreatic, interaortocaval. Acute pancreatitis in recent history (Dec 2016). Endoscopic stenting cbp.

OPERATION: Total duodenopancreatectomy with hepatico-jejunoanastomosis T-L on the ascending loop in situ and gastro-jejunoanastomosis T-L on the ascending loop precolic. Tactical splenectomy. Bipolar cholecystectomy. Evacuation of peripancreatic collections. Subhepatic drainage, intracyst, splenic box, douglas.

Duration of operation: 7h

Loss sg: 200 ml